The Warrior's Saga (or, A Tale of Brumbar)

Words: Morgana
Tune: unknown
Source: Calon Song

The Northern nights burn like cold fire,
The winter gales have fangs and claws,
These lands spawn warriors bold and free,
Who live and die by war gods laws,
Who live and die by war gods laws.

The grey seas rage at Northern shores
With storms to make small men afraid,
No heroes live who fear the seas,
From salt and cold are warriors made,
From salt and cold are warriors made.

He first took ship when scarce a man,
To fare behind the dragon prow,
To seek for glory and for gold,
For to no man need warriors bow,
For to no man need warriors bow.

They crossed far seas to Southern lands,
Whose gods and climes are bloodless still,
There like the gales from Northern Shores,
They swept into the towns to kill,
They swept into the towns to kill.

He never turned from battle sound
Where sword on sword the cold steel rang,
He cleft the townsman shield and helm
And as his sword drank blood he sang,
And as his sword drank blood he sang.

The Southrons trembled at his songs,
As one by one towns came to die,
From ship the smoke of burning towns
Seemed like black mountains 'gainst the sky,
Seemed like black mountains 'gainst the sky.

No coast secure while still he lives,
His name brings fear on Southern towns,
Who taste the cold winds from the North,
When his dragon ships come down,
When his dragon ships come down.

From blood and song are heroes born.
Skalds sing his saga round the fire.
True heroes sing while wielding blade,
And glory more than gold desire,
And glory more than gold desire.

His spirit made of ice and fire,
And war love touches heart and brain,
Arise and weep, o Southern Shore,
The dragon prow is come again,
The dragon prow is come again.

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