Words and Music: Vortemir Fire-tender and Dis Embaryuska
A.S. XXXI (May 21, 1997)
Young men say "It's a wife for me"
When they get home from the War
And some men think that their homes they'll see
When they get home from the War
But I've got a hilltop,
Under the shade of an old Oak tree
And that is where I'll lay my head
When I get home from the War
When I was young, my king called me
So off I went to the War
The deaths of my brothers made me weep
While I was there at the War
At night I would dream of a hilltop
Under the shade of an old Oak tree
And that is where I would lay my head
When I got home from the War
Father was strong, brave and true
So off he went to the War
With spearhead bright and a bow of Yew
When he went off to the War
We placed him on that hilltop
Under the shade of an old Oak tree
And that is where he waits for me
When I get home from the War