Words and Music: János Katona
You've come here to seek my protection
Your family lies slain by his hand!
You ask me defy the man who now reigns,
Northumbria's king by right of arms!
Sheer folly t'would be here to keep you.
And I am no fool, you understand.
Your life he'll demand, in tribute be paid,
And yet shall I keep you safe from harm
For my word is my bond and my Oath is my deed!
I will not forsake you in your time of need!
A vow I did swear to your father that day!
And now shall I guard you, that debt to repay.
Two seasons have passed since you came here
And now of your presence he's learned!
He's promised me gold or the edge of his sword
To goad base betrayal of my vow.
Our God and my wife ask me spare you --
But where the fate of my kingdom’s concerned
My counselors wise, have bid me succumb,
Not risk war “mere virtue” to allow,
But my word is my bond and my Oath is my deed!
I will not forsake you in your time of need!
A vow I did swear to your father that day!
And now shall I guard you, that debt to repay.
Now Aethelfrith brings us grim warfare
He’s furious his will was defied!
But my army stands strong, right steadfast and brave
Resolved to enforce my guarantee!
At the river of Idle we'll meet him
And there shall you stand by my side!
Together we’ll rise; as one may we fall;
The world shall bear witness loyalty.
For my word is my bond and my Oath is my deed!
I will not forsake you in your time of need!
A vow I did swear to your father that day!
And now shall I guard you, that debt to repay.
See! Aethelfrith flees now, defeated
His sons and his host swiftly run!
The day we have won, sweet vict'ry is ours
And steadfast my love for you has been.
I've honored the Oath that I swore then.
I sheltered you like my own son!
Your throne is reclaimed, your birthright restored --
Now fealty I ask you pledge to me.
For my word was my bond and my Oath was my deed!
I did not forsake you in your time of need!
A vow I did swear to your father that day!
And now I invite you, that debt to repay.