I Have Fought

Words and Music: János Katona

When the trumpet calls the muster
Sing and don your warlike dress.
Gather clad in gold and purple,
Skill this day is put to test!

I have fought for the Calon army,
I have fought for the Falcon Crown!
Our King calls and as one we join to
Earn our kingdom's just renown!

When the trumpet calls the muster
Grasp your bows and clothyard shafts.
Arrows soaring to the targets
Show your ken for the archer's craft!

I have fought for the Calon army,
I have fought for the Falcon Crown!
Our King calls and as one we join to
Earn our kingdom's just renown!

When the trumpet calls the muster
Songs within our hearts we sing.
Show the world on stage your courage
As we let our voices ring!

I have fought for the Calon army,
I have fought for the Falcon Crown!
Our King calls and as one we join to
Earn our kingdom's just renown!

When the trumpet calls the muster
Craftsfolk bear their labor's love.
Competitions, shows, and classes;
Golden Falcons soar above!

I have fought for the Calon army,
I have fought for the Falcon Crown!
Our King calls and as one we join to
Earn our kingdom's just renown!

When the trumpet calls the muster
Comp'ny fourth is sped to act.
Water, soup, and homemade jerky:
They're the base of our attack!

I have fought for the Calon army,
I have fought for the Falcon Crown!
Our King calls and as one we join to
Earn our kingdom's just renown!

When the trumpet calls the muster
All of us are in the fray:
Those in armor, those without it,
March as we all win the day!

I have fought for the Calon army,
I have fought for the Falcon Crown!
Our King calls and as one we join to
Earn our kingdom's just renown!

Copyright © 2012 by Joel E. Ricketts. All Rights Reserved. Permissions is granted for non-commercial reproduction, performance, and distribution.

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