Words:Tali Essen of the Isles and Bard Mel
Music: Wassail, Wassail all over the town! (Gloucestershire Wassail)
Wassail, wassail, all over the realm,
Sal-vay-tay to shuttle, pen, needle, and helm,
Pray Odin send light to the old world tree
With a wassailing bowl, I'll drink to thee.
Here's to Erich who starts off our night,
Pray god send to Erich a year so bright
His "An a Larch" is the best we all can agree,
With the wassailing bowl we drink to thee!
Here's to Aban our talented drummer
We hope to dance with him this summer
Until then prancing yodas flock to his call
May he e'er bring merriment to our hall!
Here's to Aldred with his voice so deep,
We pray the Yew Tree in his repertoire keep.
May we soon hear him Lifelood sing,
With a wassailing bowl, we drink to thee.
Here's to Alen Bendbow whose songs so delight
God send to Master Alen a banner so bright
To rally the Bardic and (something) the Zoom
Here's a health to Master Alen from all in this room.
Ave, ad Andrixo, Andrixos, prosit,
(I tried to write Latin. It's no good I admit)
We'll praise him with all the dog-latin we've got
Ad Andrixo cantamus: wassail et vivat.
And here's to Becca and her voice so sweet
We'd love at Scarborough Faire her to meet
She never asks of us impossible tasks,
From our wassailing bowl may she get all she asks.
To Chatelaine Auga, three cheers may we rouse,
Pray God send her teapots and many fine cows,
Send with these trinkets robust clientele
And like the wassailing bowl, may all these tip well.
Here's to our Baroness, everybody's friend
Pray god to her Exc'lency pottery send
She'll soon need a new shelf, or maybe three
With the wassailing bowls we drink to thee!
Here's to our Baron, that hero and skald
God send our dear Baron time in his home hall
A plague soon arrested, we all agree
With the wassailing bowl we drink to thee!
Here's to Goodwife Brighid creatrix of gnomes,
Pray God send to Brighid good health and sound home,
Good health and sound home and songbook bawdy
With our wassailing bowl, we drink to thee
Here's to Catherine Redewell, her mischief and art,
God take from this lady the case from her harp,
That we all may tempt her to constantly play,
I drink deep of the bowl to Redewell today.
Here's to Cerean the bardic laurel
The owner of the menagerie abnomal
We pray in person to him soon hear,
A health to him and a happy new year!
Here's to Keer-an(Cirian) of the known world zoom
Pray send him many bards and all in tune
And a day long bardic full of much good cheer
Here's a health to him and a happy new year
Here's to dear Dahrien of world wide renown
We all know he's a bit of a clown
May his new year have prosperity
With our wassailing bowl, we drink to thee
And here's to Dorothea and her Saxon song
With Google Translate she is ne'er wrong
With parody she also fills us with glee,
With our Wassailing bowl we drink to thee!
And here's to Eadaoin and her sung tales
Pray send her no more pronunciation fails
Send round to our heralds a "sound it out" key.
With a wassailing bowl, we drink to thee.
Here's to Eliane with many books long
The finder of ev'ry and each known world song,
As engine of search and an engine of siege,
And draught of wassa-il fit for a liege.
Here's to Elisait our Senechal wise
We pray our Board heeds her advice
And send peaceful tenure, how e'er long it may be,
With the wassailing bowl we drink to thee!
Here's to Fernando a teacher so rare
Pray God send him no more grey in his hair
And also good students and Prosperity
With the wassailing bowl we drink to thee!
To Lady Fiondel with eyes bright and keen,
Pray God send Fiondel a kitchen so clean,
To make and to tend/ and to fill us with snacks,
And we'll drink to the dame ‘til we fall on our backs.
Here's to good Hyrim, our kindly friend,
Pray send our Hyrim long nights and a pen,
For filling of Calonsong and Rivers Three
With our wassailing bowl we drink to thee
Here's to Janos our newest bard
We all know that writing lyrics is hard
May he always have a new song to sing
With our wassailing bowl we drink to thee
And here's to Jon Chesey and to his stars bright;
Pray send to Chesey some clear, moonless nights,
Warm socks, scarves, and mittens to keep him from harm,
And a wassailing draught for to keep him warm.
Here's to Kagatore, that Viking Skald,
We want more of his tales told in this hall
Pray Odin give him more mead of poetry,
With a wassailing bowl, we'll drink to thee.
Here's to Katriana who keeps the book
Without her hard work where would we look?
Her website's the best, we guarantee
With our wassailing bowl we drink to thee!
And here's to sweet Maire, Magistra of Youth
Pray God send her many volunteers couth
To help herd teenagers, tweenies, and cats
With the wassailing bowl we'll drink deep to that.
And here's to Mellitus with name sweet and long,
Pray send Mellitus an appetite strong,
To chase away illness with laughter and glee
With a wassailing bowl, we drink health to thee.
Here's to Morgana storyteller of old,
And the story of Utah boys she trolled
Here's to many stories and more good cheer
Here's a health to you and a happy new year!
Here's to Owen who teaches young bards
All of his students send warmest regards
Here's a drink too, for his daughter so dear
A good health to both and a happy new year!
And here is to Ranka and to her smiles,
May she take us to Ithika mile by mile
And warn us of Athena hilariously,
With a wassailing bowl, we'll drink to thee.
Here's to Rudaba and her dancing grace
As our only dancer we send her praise!
From her stories she's a renowned balladeer
Here's a health to you and a happy new year!
And here's to dear Sighrid who sings in the night,
Pray God send our Sighrid Fellowship Fulbright,
That she may unearth and still warm and fed be,
With a wassailing bowl, we drink to thee.
Here's to our man Sivrid and to his sword sharp
God send to dear Sivird a self-tuning harp
That he may sing Kipling along (martially)
With a wassailing bowl, we drink to thee.
And here's to Queen Tamar and good King Lucien,
God send soon Their Majesties pestilence end,
In person we long to give our fealty,
With a wassailing bowl, we drink to thee.
Here's to my impish partner dear absent Mel
With her help we made this little Noel
I hope she enjoyed this as much as me
With my wassailing bowl I drink to thee!
And here is to the lass who made most of these verses.
God send Goodwife Tali many thickly-stuffed purses!
That she may create unto her her heart's delight.
For the wassailing bowl, I drink to her tonight.
Lest we forget the audience too
Without an audience what would we do?
We hope our song gave you good cheer
Here's a drink to you and a happy new year!